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On-Site Report of "Ambient Weaving Collection – Environment and Textiles"

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The exhibition event for the collaborative research project "Ambient Weaving Collection – Environment and Textiles" conducted by ZOZO NEXT Inc., UTokyo, and Hosoo Co., Ltd. took place from August 1st (Tue), 2023 to August 7 (Mon) for seven days at the Tourist Communication Center "Have a Nice Tokyo! (hereinafter referred to as HaNT)" in Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo.
At this exhibition, two works from the past achievement exhibition "Ambient Weaving – Environment and Textiles" and six works from the Woven Prototypes, a prototype group of R&D season were shown to the public for the first time. What was the response to these works?
In addition, we will also report on the talk event "[TMIP×UTokyo×ZOZO×Hosoo×Mitsubishi Estate Collaborative Project] Consideration of Industry/Academia/Inter-business co-creation from cutting-edge materials/devices×traditional crafts" held on the opening day, August 1st.

A preview session by the three collaborative research project parties was held before the venue opened

A preview session for the parties involved in the collaborative research project was held at 10 a.m. on August 1st, ahead of the general opening. Masataka Hosoo, President and CEO of Hosoo Co., Ltd., Professor Yasuaki Kakehi from the Graduate School of Information Studies, UTokyo, and Kazuma Takahashi, COO of ZOZO NEXT Inc. made a presentation explaining the details of the collaborative research project.
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