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ZOZO NEXT Launches Digital Fashion Brand 'REVINAL'

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ZOZO NEXT, a company that was quick to notice societal changes and behavioral shifts due to digital technologies, has been working on a project called 'Project Drip' since around 2020. This project aims to use technologies such as 3D and AI to create new products and services, and to provide customers with new fashion experiences. So far, they have conducted R&D and PoC related to virtual humans and digital fashion.
A new fashion brand has emerged from this project. That brand is 'REVINAL'. As a fashion brand that blends reality and the digital world, its items are being sold at well-known stores like 'DRESSX' and 'ZEPETO' for readers of Fashion Tech News.
This time, we had the opportunity to hear all about REVINAL from Yudai Tamamura, who is in charge of the project. Where did REVINAL, a cutting-edge digital fashion brand, come from and where is it going? We asked about the prospects of digital fashion, including their activities so far.
Yudai Tamamura
Yudai Tamamura

After working in the video production and 3DCG fields of IT mega ventures for game-related businesses, he joined ZOZO Technologies, the predecessor of ZOZO NEXT, in 2020. He has been in his current position since May 2023, mainly promoting digital fashion projects in the XR/AI department.

Delivering New Digital Fashion Experiences

What was the background to the initiation of the REVINAL project?
In the XR/AI department where I belong, we aim to use technologies such as 3D-based XR and AI, including machine learning, to provide customers with new experiences through our products and services. In the field of digital fashion, we are conducting R&D (Research and Development) and PoC (Proof of Concept) as represented by the virtual human 'Drip' and virtual fitting.
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