"Surpassing Embroidery with Embroidery" The Unique Techniques of Miki Sisyu Kougei Co., Ltd. that Support Global Fashion Brands
"Surpassing Embroidery with Embroidery" The Unique Techniques of Miki Sisyu Kougei Co., Ltd. that Support Global Fashion Brands
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Embroidery is an indispensable technique for decorating clothing. Be it the logo on a baseball cap or a small design on the chest of a polo shirt. When it comes to items where embroidery shines, it might be "kimono" or "sukajan."
However, there is a company in Hiroshima that uses these techniques to create functions and textures beyond common sense. Their unique technology completely overturns the concept of embroidery, which is "drawing letters and patterns with thread on fabric."
Miki Sisyu Kougei Co., Ltd.. It can be considered an outlier in the embroidery industry, constantly receiving offers from global maisons. We visited their local factory and spoke with the company chairman, Jiro Naeshiro.
Jiro Naeshiro
Jiro Naeshiro

President & Chairman of Miki Sisyu Kougei Co., Ltd.
Vice Chairman of Japan Jacquard Embroidery Industry Association

Embroidery Without Thread

Tell us about Miki Embroidery Craft's business.
We provide a wide range of embroidery techniques to domestic and international brands and manufacturers, from simple single-point embroidery using typical embroidery thread to specialized techniques like Waracut embroidery, Barba embroidery, Punk embroidery, Patchwork embroidery, and Mosaic embroidery.

These technique names are all new to me. While embroidery is generally imagined as "drawing patterns with thread on fabric," are your techniques different?
Of course, our techniques are based on the traditional embroidery everyone imagines, but the methods and functionalities are completely different. We have prided ourselves on creating things that only our company can achieve.

For instance, let me introduce our patented technique, "Waracut embroidery." The fabric's warp threads are cut using a needle-like "scalpel" attached to a sewing machine. After washing, only the cut warp threads shrink, causing a pattern to emerge on the fabric.
Waracut Embroidery
Waracut Embroidery
Barba Embroidery
Barba Embroidery
Is this really considered "embroidery"?
Yes, in a way, it's "embroidery without thread." We also have unique techniques like "Barba embroidery," where special needles push out the warp or weft threads to create patterns.

In other words, rather than placing threads on the fabric, you are altering the fabric's structure itself. Is that correct?
Exactly. Thus, our crafts are not just about artisan skills but also equipment development, especially the development of the "scalpel." By creating these scalpels independently, we have been able to develop new techniques and produce beautiful, functional fabrics.
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