100% Made in Sabae City Eyewear: NOCHINO OPTICAL
100% Made in Sabae City Eyewear: NOCHINO OPTICAL
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Fukui Prefecture stands among Italy, China, and South Korea as a major eyewear production hub. Centered around Fukui City and Sabae City, it produces approximately 95% of Japan's eyeglass frames. A defining breakthrough for this globally renowned area was the development of titanium glasses in 1983.
The eyewear brand NOCHINO OPTICAL's products are entirely handcrafted by artisans in Sabae City.
This time, we talked to Hanako Suga from the brand to learn about the history of glasses making in Sabae City, the manufacturing process of their eyewear, and the challenges facing the glasses industry in Sabae City.
Hanako Suga

Handles PR primarily for women's brands, digital PR, and photography direction.

High-Quality Eyewear Originating from a Major Production Hub

First, can you tell us about the background of Sabae City's eyeglass production boom?
Eyeglass production in Fukui Prefecture began over 100 years ago. Due to heavy snowfall in the region, farming was impossible from November to March. A local from Sabae City called Gizaemon Masunaga sought to "improve living conditions" and invited craftsmen to Fukui Prefecture, initiating eyeglass production as a side job for farmers.

The effort started in Fukui City, but given his wife's roots in Sabae City, it eventually spread there as well.

Additionally, the geographical proximity of Osaka and Fukui, along with the moisture-rich climate typical of the Sea of Japan side, was ideal for eyeglass manufacturing. Since many materials used in eyeglasses incorporate cotton, a non-drying environment is crucial. The climate in Fukui Prefecture was well-suited for storing these materials, which contributed to the growth of the eyeglass industry.

The rise of Fukui Prefecture as a global glasses hub can be attributed to the creation of titanium glasses via brazing. This attracted global attention due to the lightweight and durable nature of titanium compared to the heavy alloy glasses available at the time, leading to the area's growth as a premier production hub.
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