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Our Philosophy

Find The New.

"Finding the new"
in the technology
of fashion.
At times, it's about cutting-edge technology that no one knows about yet.
Other times, it's about traditional technology that has been handed down from generation to generation.
And other times, it's about technology that is now becoming commonplace.

We explore these technologies from our own unique perspective and with professional and detailed coverage, and deliver information that can become the "new standard" for all consumers in a neutral and enthusiastic manner,
We are committed to providing users with neutral, passionate, and easy-to-understand information that can become the "new standard" for all consumers.

We believe this is the raison d'etre of fashion tech news.
DNA of fashion tech news
We define our three strands DNAs as the following principles we strive for.

PROFESSIONAL: A straight and straight vertical line

Based on our expertise, we face the past, present, and future with deep insight and thought, and deliver it with fervor.

FELLOW: An even, supporting underpins

A presence that thinks of others and builds relationships on an equal footing.
Neutrality combined with an even, trustworthy presence.

INNOVATIVE: A diagonal line with momentum

Innovative, progressive, pushing forward on new paths, and advocating new universality.
We have extracted the DNA and adapted their form and attitude to develop our new approach: "Find The New."
We follow trends in technology in fashion, explore the culture and history that resides within it from a unique perspective, and communicate the impact that fashion has on our lives.
Our goal is to transform this into the "new standard" for all users.
About LOGO
Logo representing the DNA of fashion tech news
Old Logo
Concept Video
New Concept Video Featuring Actor Haruka Imou
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