Fashion Tech News symbol


Relay Column - 
Fashion / Technology

Relay Column
Fashion / Technology

This relay column, part of our serial initiative, zeroes in on the aspects of "fashion" and "technology". Beyond those directly engaged with fashion, we invite contributors from a variety of domains. Delving into a myriad of perspectives ranging from clothing, bodies, cultural industry, consumer culture, media, spaces, and communication, we aim to uncover discussion points concerning these two concepts.
Interviews - 
The Era of Digital Fashion

The Era of Digital Fashion

In this series of interviews, we will introduce a variety of initiatives from fashion designers as well as individuals and companies involved in digital fashion. As digital fashion has been spreading in recent years through metaverse space and online games, this series of interviews will present a variety of viewpoints and draw a single overview of the issues.
Serial Columns  - Auxiliary Lines for Things & People
by: Mai Tsunoo

Serial Columns
Auxiliary Lines for Things & People

No creation exists without the concept of design, whether it's products, graphics, spaces, fashion or the digital realm. Ingenious designs, consideration for users, and the creation of fresh experiences - many things can be expressed using the term "design." Design is everywhere in our lives. This essay is an assortment of impressions gained through daily contact with artificial objects and new experiences, gathering and sharing information, all fueled by a ravenous curiosity, and performed under the guise of a design writer. (Published monthly)