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NEW My Page feature added
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Terms and Conditions of Use

Article 1 Definitions

The following terms used in these Terms and Conditions have the meanings set out below.
  1. ‘Company’ refers to ZOZO NEXT, Inc.
  2. ‘Terms and Conditions’ refers to the Fashion Tech News Terms and Conditions of Use.
  3. ‘Service’ refers to Fashion Tech News, an owned media site managed and operated by the Company.
  4. ‘Content’ refers to articles, feature projects, serials, email newsletters and other content distributed by the Company through the Service, as well as images, text, designs, logos, videos, music, programmes, ideas and all other information transmitted on the Service.
  5. ‘My Page Function’ refers to, among the functions of the Service, a function for registering favorites for articles, feature projects, serials and other contents distributed through the Service, a browsing history function and distribution of email newsletters.
  6. ‘User’ refers to all users of the Services.
  7. ‘My Page Applicant’ refers to a User who wishes to use the My Page Function.
  8. ‘Login Information’ refers to the e-mail address and password used to log in to the Service.
  9. ‘Group Companies’ refers to the Company and its parent company, subsidiaries and subsidiaries of the parent company.
  10. ‘System’ refers to the computer system for providing the Services and My Page Function.
  11. ‘Damages etc.’ refers to damages, losses, costs and disadvantages.

Article 2 Application

  1. These Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Services. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define the conditions of provision of the Service and the relationship of responsibility between the Company and the User in relation to the use of the Service, and applies to all relations between the User and the Company in relation to the use of the Service.
  2. The Company may stipulate rules and instructions concerning the Services other than those contained in these Terms and Conditions, which shall also form part of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. The Company may, at its discretion, change the Terms and Conditions in the event that any of the following items apply
    1. If the modification of these Terms and Conditions conforms to the general interests of the User.
    2. If the modification of these Terms and Conditions is not contrary to the purpose for which the agreement was made and is reasonable in light of the necessity of the modification, the reasonableness of the Content after the modification, the Content of the modification and other circumstances relating to the modification.
  4. In changing the Terms and Conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Company shall notify the User of the fact that the Terms and Conditions are being changed, the Content of the Terms and Conditions after the change and the effective date of the change for a reasonable period until the effective date of the changed Terms and Conditions, by posting on the Company's website or by other methods separately determined by the Company.
  5. If the User uses the Services after the effective date of the amended Terms and Conditions, the User is deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms and Conditions.
  6. If the Terms and Conditions are changed in whole or in part, only the changed Terms and Conditions shall apply to the User and the Company with regard to the use of the Services, and the User and the Company shall only comply with the changed Terms and Conditions.

Article 3 Registration for Membership of the My Page Function

  1. The User who wishes to use the My Page Function shall apply for registration for use of the My Page Function in accordance with the method separately specified by the Company after accepting the Contents of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Persons falling under any of the following items may not register for use of the My Page Function.
    1. If the My Page Applicant has violated the Terms and Conditions of the Services currently provided or previously provided by the Group Companies or has had his/her User membership canceled or otherwise been subject to disciplinary action for other reasons.
    2. If the information provided by the My Page Applicant to the Company at the time of registration for use contains falsehoods.
    3. The My Page Applicant has not paid fees or other payments (including, but not limited to, not paying fees or other payments to third parties in accordance with payment methods separately approved by the Group Companies) in relation to Services currently provided by the Group Companies or which were provided in the past. (iii) the applicant for the My Page Function has failed to receive the goods, refused to return or exchange the goods or otherwise defaulted on his/her obligations for a long period of time without justifiable reasons.
    4. If the My Page Applicant commits any of the acts stipulated in Article 12.1.
    5. If the My Page Applicant has contravened Article 15.1.
    6. If the Company reasonably determines that the above-mentioned items may apply.
    7. When our company reasonably determines that it is inappropriate for the operation or management of the Service to approve other applications for registration.
  3. If the Company requests the applicant for use of the My Page Function to provide materials, etc. necessary for the examination of the application for the registration in Paragraph 1, the applicant shall comply with the request.
  4. When the Company registers the use of the My Page Function in response to an application for registration for use under Paragraph 1, the Company shall grant the My Page Function use to the My Page Applicant.
  5. When a contract for the use of the My Page Function has been concluded, the Company shall promptly grant the User an account (ID and password) required for the Service.
  6. Minors, adult wards, persons under curatorship and persons under assistance may not apply for and use the My Page Function if it has not been set up and entered by their legal representative or if they have not obtained the prior consent of their legal representative.

Article 4 Changes to Registered Account Information

  1. In the event of a change in all or part of the e-mail address, password or other details registered with the Company, the User shall immediately change the registered account information by a method separately specified by the Company.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any Damage, etc. caused to the User as a result of or in connection with the User's failure to change the registered account information in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

Article 5 Personal Information

The handling of the User's personal information shall be managed in accordance with the Fashion Tech News Privacy Policy, which is set out separately by the Company, in addition to these Terms and Conditions.

Article 6 Procedure for Cancelation of Membership

Users may cancel their membership at any time via a procedure separately stipulated by the Company. The User shall lose their User status upon receipt of the cancelation request from the User by the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Article 7 Suspension of Service & cancellation of Membership, etc.

  1. If any of the following items are found to apply to a User, the Company may, without prior notice or demand, suspend the use of the Service, cancel the User’s membership or take any other measures that the Company considers appropriate.
    1. If the User has violated the Terms and Conditions of the Services currently provided or previously provided by the Group Companies or has been subject to suspension of use, cancellation of membership for use or other disciplinary measures for any other reason.
    2. If the details provided by the User to the Company contain falsehoods.
    3. The User has not paid money (including, but not limited to, not paying money to a third party in accordance with a payment method separately approved by the Group Companies) in respect of Services currently provided by the Group Companies or which were provided in the past. or the User has, without justifiable reason, failed to receive the goods for a long period of time, refused to return or exchange the goods or otherwise defaulted on his/her obligations.
    4. If the User violates these Terms and Conditions (including minor violations) If the User violates these Terms and Conditions (including, but not limited to, violations of Article 12.1 and Article 15.1)
    5. If the User violates any other Terms and Conditions stipulated by the Group Companies.
  2. The User shall confirm that the cases stipulated in each item of the preceding paragraph correspond to a serious reason for not being able to use the Service.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for damages, compensation, supplementation or any other responsibility for Damages, etc. incurred by the User as a result of measures taken for the reasons set out in Paragraph 1 of this Article, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

Article 8 Management of IDs & Passwords

  1. Users shall manage and store their Login Information strictly at their own risk.
  2. The User shall not allow a third party to use his/her Login Information or transfer, sell, succeed, lend, disclose or divulge it.
  3. If the User discovers that his/her Login Information is being used illegally by a third party, he/she shall immediately inform us and, if we instruct him to do so, he/she shall comply with our instructions.
  4. The User shall be responsible for any Damage, etc. caused to the User due to or in connection with inadequate management of his/her own Login Information, errors or mishaps in use, unauthorized use by a third party or any other breach of this article, and the Company shall not be liable for any such Damage, etc. except in cases of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

Article 9 User Liability

The User shall bear the responsibility set out in the following items.
  1. The User shall be responsible for setting up, maintaining and managing his/her own device and network environment.
  2. The Company shall assume no responsibility whatsoever in the event that use of the Service becomes difficult or impossible due to malfunctions in the network environment or device malfunctions.
  3. The User shall be responsible for taking the necessary security measures, such as anti-virus software or firewalls.
  4. Data communication charges and other costs incurred when using the Service shall be borne by the User.

Article 10 Usage Fees

The Service and the use of the My Page Function shall be free of charge.

Article 11 Intellectual Property Rights

  1. All copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the Contents provided through the Service shall belong to the Company, rights holders who have contracted with or granted rights to the Company or third parties with legitimate rights.
  2. If any unauthorized duplication, unauthorized reproduction or other unauthorized secondary use of the Contents by the User for any purpose, or any other act prohibited by domestic or foreign laws and regulations, including copyright laws, is discovered, the Company may immediately take legal action.
  3. If any dispute arises between the User and a third party in violation of the provisions of this article, the User shall settle the dispute at his/her own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage to our company. In the unlikely event that Damage, etc. is caused to the Company, the User shall compensate the Company for all such Damage, etc.

Article 12 Prohibited Acts

  1. The User shall not carry out any of the following acts or acts that may lead to such acts.
    1. Acts that cause or may cause inconvenience or damage to other Users, third parties other than other Users or the Company.
    2. Acts that infringe or may infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, personality rights, privacy rights, publicity rights or other rights of other Users, third parties other than other Users or the Company.
    3. Acts of using the Service for commercial purposes (except those approved in advance by the Company).
    4. Acts that offend public order and morals or violate or may offend laws and regulations.
    5. Acts of registering information containing false or misleading Content.
    6. Acts of using the Contents provided by the Company in the Service outside the scope of private use by the User.
    7. Acts of reproducing, selling, publishing, distributing, publicly disclosing or similarly reproducing the Contents obtained through the Service via other Users or third parties other than other Users.
    8. Acts of collecting, storing or saving the personal information of other Users.
    9. Uploading computer viruses, computer code, files or programmes designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment to the Service or transmitting them by email or other means.
    10. Accessing the Service or obtaining information about the Service by crawling (programs such as crawlers, robots or spiders), scraping and other similar means.
    11. Acts of overloading the server by using unauthorized programs, scripts, etc.
    12. Acts of multiple memberships for use by the same User (including but not limited to separate membership registrations from any computer, mobile phone or smartphone).
    13. Acts that damage or bring down the Company's reputation or other acts that the Company reasonably deems inappropriate.
  2. The User shall not be liable for any violation of the preceding paragraph (including minor violations). The User shall compensate the Company or a third party for all Damages, etc. arising from or in connection with a breach of the preceding paragraph (including minor breaches).
  3. The Company shall not be obliged to compensate the User for any Damages, etc. incurred by the User as a result of the preceding paragraph.

Article 13 Disclaimer

  1. If the Company provides links from the Service to other websites or resources or links from third-party websites or resources to the Service, the Company shall not be liable for the Content, use and results (legality, validity, accuracy, certainty, safety, up-to-dateness and completeness) of such linked or linking websites or resources. The Service does not warrant and is not liable for the content, use or results (including, without limitation, legality, validity, accuracy, reliability, security, currency and completeness) of such linked or third party websites or resources. The Company makes no warranties and accepts no liability for the content or use of linked websites or resources. If the Company reasonably determines that the content of a linked website or resource is in breach of the law or inappropriate for the administration or operation of the Service, the Company may remove the link without any notice or demand to the User.
  2. Regarding advertisements (including, but not limited to, prize competition advertisements) appearing on the Service, if a transaction (including but not limited to participation in promotions such as sweepstakes) takes place between a User and an advertiser or promoter via an advertisement (including but not limited to sweepstakes advertisements) or advertisement posted on the Service, the User is entitled to remove the link without notice or demand. In the event that a transaction (including but not limited to participation in promotions such as sweepstakes) takes place between a User and an advertiser or promoter via an advertisement or promotion, the User shall carry out such transaction at their own discretion and responsibility and the Company shall not be liable. The Company does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for payment of the price, determination of contract terms, guarantees, security liability, existence of licenses or other contents and conditions of such transactions.
  3. The Company does not warrant that the Services are free from defects in fact or law (including, but not limited to, safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, system errors and bugs, infringement of rights, etc.).
  4. The Company shall not be liable for the suspension or discontinuation of the Service due to any of the items of Article 14 or other forces majeure.
  5. The Company shall fulfill its obligations and be exempt from liability by processing the affairs in accordance with the details registered by the User.
  6. If a User causes Damage, etc. to another User or a third party by using the Service, the User concerned shall settle the matter on his/her own responsibility and at his/her own expense and shall not cause Damage, etc. to our company.
  7. Regardless of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the Company shall only be liable for Damages, etc. that arise from or in connection with the Service for reasons attributable to the Company, unless the Company is wilful or grossly negligent, and only to the extent that they are normal and direct and actually occur to the User.

Article 14 Suspension or Discontinuation of the Service

  1. The Company may suspend or discontinue all or part of the provision of the Service and the My Page Function without prior notice or demand to the User in the event of any of the following.
    1. In the event of fire, earthquake, flood, lightning, heavy snowfall or other natural disasters.
    2. In the event of war, civil war, terrorism, riot, disturbance, serious epidemic or other social unrest.
    3. If we are unable to obtain appropriate services from our contracted providers.
    4. If any event occurs that the Company is technically unable to cope with.
    5. In the event of regular or emergency maintenance on the System of the Service and My Page Function.
    6. When System operation becomes difficult due to system failure, unauthorized access from third parties, computer virus infection, etc.
    7. When laws, regulations or rules are established, amended or abolished, or when requested by administrative or judicial bodies on reasonable grounds.
    8. If the Company deems it necessary to suspend or discontinue the System for other unavoidable reasons.

Article 15 Exclusion of Anti-social Forces

  1. The User shall make the following commitments to the Company.
    1. That they are not a gangster, a gangster-related company, a general meeting house, a person equivalent to these or a member of them (hereinafter referred to as ‘Anti-social Forces’). Not be a member of an Anti-Social Force.
    2. Not to allow Anti-Social Forces to use his/her name or to use the Service for the benefit of Anti-Social Forces.
    3. The User shall not use threatening behavior or violence against the Company, or use deception or force to obstruct the Company's business or damage the Company's credibility, either by the User or by a third party.
  2. If a User violates the preceding paragraph, the Company may, without any notice or warning to the User, suspend the User's from the Service, terminate the User's membership or take any other measures stipulated in these Terms and Conditions. The Company shall not be liable for any Damage, etc. incurred by the User as a result of taking such measures.
  3. The User shall compensate us for any Damage, etc. caused to us as a result of or in connection with a breach of Paragraph 1.

Article 16 Severability

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid or illegal in whole or in part, such invalidity or illegality shall in no way affect the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions, their interpretation and application, nor shall it impair their legality and validity or invalidate them.

Article 17 Prohibition of Rights Transfer

The User may not assign, transfer, succeed, provide security or otherwise dispose of all or part of the rights, obligations or claims and liabilities under these Terms and Conditions to a third party, except with the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 18 Miscellaneous

  1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  2. Any disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court as court of first instance.

Supplementary provisions: these Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Users from 7 August 2024.
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