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Interview: The Reason Why a Historic Department Store Entered the Metaverse Business and Its Dual-Monetization Strategy – Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store

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For the sixth installment of the 'Digital Fashion Era' series, we're featuring the Metaverse Project by Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co., Ltd.
Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store is attracting attention for entering the metaverse, starting with the sale of original 3D avatars, a first in the department store industry. Since participating in the 'Virtual Market' in 2020, they have progressively gained achievements by starting with the exhibition of a virtual store.
This time, we asked Rui Okazaki of their Strategic Planning Department, who is in charge of the Metaverse project, about their reasons for starting, current efforts and responses, and future plans.

Starting the Metaverse Approach in 2020

First, could you tell us about the circumstances that led your department store to start the Metaverse Project?
We are working on the Metaverse Project in the DX Promotion section where I belong. The mission of this department is to create new businesses for digital natives without overly depending on stores.
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