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Tokyo's Only "Grateful Dead" Specialty Shop: Experience the Charm at "Chi Chi's"

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Even if you've never listened to their music, chances are you've heard the name "Grateful Dead" at least once. 
From T-shirts featuring the iconic skeleton design used on their album covers to the Dead Bear that took 2000 by storm, many have heard the band's name through the trend of their merchandise, even if unfamiliar with their music.
There's only one shop in Tokyo that specializes in Grateful Dead apparel. That is "CHI-CHI'S."
This time, we asked the owner of Chi Chi's, Takashi Sakamoto, to talk about the store's history and the charm of the Dead for the generations unfamiliar with the Grateful Dead. 

The Background & History of Chi Chi's Opening and Harajuku at the Time

Opened in 1985, Chi Chi's is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. It serves as a sort of holy ground for many Deadheads (enthusiastic Grateful Dead fans) from all over the world.
Currently located in Daitabashi, its eye-catching exterior features a distinctive bus sign, but it originally started in Harajuku.
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