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Interview: Expanding 'CLO' Worldwide to Revolutionize Fashion Manufacturing: CLO Virtual Fashion

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In the 5th installment of the series 'The Age of Digital Fashion', we're delivering a closer look at the 3D software 'CLO' designed for the fashion industry.
Developed in South Korea by 'CLO Virtual Fashion LLC.' in 2009, today the version of CLO is used by global companies like adidas, HUGO BOSS, Carhartt, Desigual, DIESEL, FJALLRAVEN, LEVI’S, MANGO, New Balance, Patagonia, and UNDER ARMOUR. With over 10,000 businesses and individuals having implemented the software, it ranks first in the 3D fashion software industry. It's also utilized in major apparel companies, vendors, suppliers, and educational institutions in Japan.
In 2022, they established the Japanese subsidiary, 'CLO Virtual Fashion JAPAN G.K.', with the aim of listening to Japanese users' voices and expanding their market share.
In this installment, we interviewed Emily Choi and Ami Komatsu from the company, discussing how CLO came to be introduced globally, their influence on the fashion industry, current trends and issues in Japan, and their future initiatives.
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