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Interview: Pondering Fashion in Virtual Humans Through 3D CG High School Student 'Saya': TELYUKA

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For the fourth installment of our series, 'The age of digital fashion', we interviewed the 3D CG artist unit, 'TELYUKA', and discussed the relationship between virtual humans and fashion.
TELYUKA is a unit composed of a married couple, TEL (Teruyuki Ishikawa) and YUKA (Yuka Ishikawa). In 2015, they drew a lot of attention when they announced the photorealistic virtual human, 3D CG high school student 'Saya'.
Since then, TELYUKA has continued to update Saya's body and clothes, while exploring the potential of virtual humans through various events and media appearances, as well as collaborations with companies and organizations.
What kind of thoughts do the two members of TELYUKA have when creating Saya's clothes? From their commitment in making clothes to the potential of virtual humans, as well as their future goals, we'll be sharing it all.

The Difficulty of Creating Clothes for a Virtual Human with No Fashion Experience

First, what kind of tool is used to create the clothes of the virtual human, 'Saya'?
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