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Serial: Multilayered Game Changes – Culture Studies: Fashion After 2010 #005

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Yoshiko Kurata
Yoshiko Kurata

Writer / Coordinator

Born in 1991. Features and interviews with domestic and international fashion designers, photographers, artists, and more. Her previous contributions include, HOMMEgirls, i-D JAPAN, STUDIO VOICE, SSENSE, VOGUE JAPAN and others. In March 2019, she co-translated and edited the book "複雑なタイトルをここに" published by Adachi Press. She is also involved in the curation of CALM & PUNK GALLERY. [Photo by Mayuko Sato]

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So far, I have touched upon the game-changes in visual expression in 2010s fashion from my personal perspective. Now, I've been thinking about whether we could compile even current, constantly evolving trends that we haven't been able to verbalize yet by looking at the outline of the 2010s from a more bird's-eye view. So, this time, we invited Yuzuru Murakami to join us and dissect these changes. Murakami is a researcher and writer who currently writes for The Fashion Post and Popeye, focusing on the aesthetics of photography, and recently has been summarizing the history of fashion photography from the perspective of "invention." As we explored the starting point of the new body expressions that arose in the 2010s which we have been focusing on in this series, we discussed the currently changing expressions and values.
And with this installment, this series comes to a close. I look forward to someday having the chance to talk about game-changes in fashion at length and reuniting with you all there.
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