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The New Frontier of Dress Shoes & Sneakers as Depicted by "YOAK"

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With its sophisticated design and high-spec quality, "YOAK" has fans both domestically and internationally. In order to delve into its originality in shoemaking, we spoke with Atsushi Hiromoto, the CEO of FAM Co., Ltd. and the designer of YOAK, about the brand's origins, design inspirations, and production philosophies.

The Spark that Started YOAK

“YOAK began in the autumn and winter of 2015, so this year marks its 10th anniversary.
"Originally, I worked at an apparel manufacturer and a textile trading company, accumulating a wide range of design experience from clothing to shoes and accessories. While my corporate job was fulfilling, I desired to try a self-sufficient system of design, manufacturing, and sales, rather than being dependent on other companies like traditional apparel distribution. This desire led me to start my own brand.
"I wanted to pursue a new approach of having craftsmen produce leather shoes for sales exclusively through our online store.
"If you ask me to name ten clothing brands, I could easily do so, but when it comes to 'shoe brands,' I don't think it would come as smoothly as with clothing. The shoes I aimed to create are versatile for both on and off occasions, and they are unlike anything else out there, which made me want to try my hand at shoes.
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