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Words & Images: Data Surrounding Fashion

Words & Images: Data Surrounding Fashion

This special feature in the Fashion Tech News focuses on the intersection of language, data, and fashion. Text in fashion magazines has been articulated as "written clothing" by Roland Barthes, author of "The Fashion System," highlighting that words, along with visual images, play a vital role in fashion. However, with the rise of image-centric social media platforms like Instagram, it seems there has been a shift in the way that words and images circulate in the world of fashion compared to the era when magazines dominated the scene. Further, the emergence of data science in the industry now enables a deeper understanding of individual preferences, trend analysis, and demand forecasting. In this, language also becomes a significant component of the data used to dissect fashion trends. Isn't it time we reconsidered the distinct attributes of words and data revolving around fashion? In this feature, we join hands with Hirofumi Ashida, a fashion researcher who published "Words and Clothing" in February of this year. We will delve into the nature of words and data, their implications on how fashion is interpreted and the potential impacts they could have in the future.

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