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Fashion Law

Fashion Law

In this Fashion Tech News feature project, we will think about “Fashion Law." Fashion law is a field of law that deals with various legal issues related to fashion, and is attracting a great deal of attention amid the development of globalization and information technology. In Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) launched the “Study Group on Fashion Futures – Fashion Law WG” and published the “Fashion Law Guidebook 2023: New & Basic Knowledge to Open Up the Future of Fashion Business” in 2023 as a result. The guidebook compiles practical information that should be known from the perspective of fashion law, and has attracted a great deal of attention, especially from industry insiders. In this special issue, we discuss the so-called “Imitation” issue, which was a major topic in the Fashion Law Guidebook, as well as issues of concern in the field, such as how fashion brands and designers should relate to fashion law, together with the vice chair of the study group, Miyuki Ebisawa, an attorney at Mimura Komatsu Law Firm. The panelists discuss these issues together with Miyuki Ebisawa, an attorney at Mimura Komatsu, who served as vice chair of the Study Group.

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