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What Is the Goal of the Made-to-Order Suit Label "illbe"? Initiated by a Former J-League Player

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The personal made-to-order suit label "illbe" was launched in 2021. It was founded by former professional soccer player Tomoyasu Hirose, who played for Montedio Yamagata and Tokushima Vortis.
We spoke with Hirose about why he chose the fashion industry as his second career, the reasons behind starting a suit label, and his future aspirations.

Dissonance Lingering Despite Turning Pro After High School

Born in Saitama, Hirose was on the path of a soccer elite since elementary school and went on to attend Maebashi Ikuei High School, a powerhouse that won the national high school soccer championship this New Year. Even before admission, the soccer team coach, Kosuke Yamada, personally visited him.
"Although I was playing matches from my first year at Maebashi Ikuei and leading a smooth sailing soccer life, my wheels began to falter due to a hamstring injury in my third year."
He was selected for the U-18 Japan national team in January 2008 and participated in the Qatar International Youth Tournament, but the dissonance remained. Even after joining Montedio Yamagata right after high school, he continued to doubt his abilities.
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