Mammut, a world-renowned outdoor brand born in Switzerland, is well-known for its products that mountaineers trust greatly, including climbing ropes and communication devices called "beacons" used for searching those buried in snow due to avalanches.
Among its many offerings, the "Aconcagua Jacket" stands out as a classic. Many people may have come across this fleece jacket adorned with the mammoth mark’s classic logo.
This time, we focus on the Aconcagua Jacket and spoke with Shota Utsugi, Assistant Brand Manager at
Mammut Sports Group Japan, Inc., to learn more about its history, details, and materials.
From Decades of Rope Production to an Outdoor Brand
Mammut has a long history, dating back to 1862, and it began producing apparel in the 1980s, making it around 40 years old. Let's begin by delving into Mammut's roots."Initially, the business started with the production of ropes for agricultural tools, but their toughness led them to be widely used for climbing. By the 1980s, Mammut's ropes were so well-loved among Japanese climbers that they were commonly referred to as 'Mammoth Ropes,' spreading their reputation worldwide.