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"WHITEÂGE," a Bag that Transcends the Boundary Between People & Products as if It's Part of You

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In recent years, lifestyle has undergone significant changes. Various items and matters have been updated. Amidst this, I would like to turn the spotlight on the bag brand "WHITEÂGE."
Upon learning about the features and performance of WHITEÂGE items, one realizes that even daily bags are evolving along with the times. This time, I will delve into an in-depth conversation with designer Keiji Ogawa, discussing the brand concept and introducing some items.

A New Lifestyle Bag that Makes On & Off a Seamless Experience

"The brand was launched in October 2023. Saks Fifth Avenue Holdings approached us with the idea of wanting to create a new brand with a taste unlike anything seen before, and we've worked together from the concept creation phase, marking the beginning of WHITEÂGE.
"By combining my experience in the fashion industry, my perspective as a UI/UX designer[1], and the insights and background of someone who has touched more bags than anyone else as a professional at Saks Fifth Avenue, I felt we could create a truly unique bag.
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