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Cycles of Life: The Past & Future of Apparel

Cycles of Life: The Past & Future of Apparel

Fashion Tech News's inaugural feature focuses not just on the state-of-the-art tech often associated with the term "technology," but also revisits the historical endeavors of how humans and non-human entities have co-created attire, under the overarching theme of fashion and life. The history of fashion is the history of technological evolution. Spinning thread, weaving fabric, transforming them into garments with needles and threads, and mending them when they're worn out could all be deemed as forms of tecnology. In today's apparel industry driven by mass production, technology is intimately linked with issues such as overproduction and mass disposal. Cutting-edge tech might be in a phase of learning from traditional life cycles and exploring ways to become more sustainable forms of tecnology. While revisiting the history of apparel in this special report, we'll bridge the past and the future of fashion technology and contemplate what's to come alongside the creations of innovator Ryowa Yamage from writtenafterwards.

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