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Advance notice: Feature 001 "Cycles of Life: The Past & Future of Apparel"

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At Fashion Tech News, we present feature articles created together with guest supervisors.
Our first project welcomes Yoshikazu Yamagata of writtenafterwards as our guest supervisor, and we will explore the grand theme of fashion and life. Rather than focusing solely on the cutting-edge aspects evoked by the term "technology," we will revisit the historical practices in which humans and non-humans have co-created fashion.
Yamagata announced a new work titled "合掌 (Gassho)" on March 16 (Tuesday) at the National Art Center, Tokyo. The installation showcased cycles involving animal and plant fibers and decomposition by fungi.
The relationship with technology in the history of fashion, the history of co-creation with nature, and cutting-edge technology in today's mass-production-centered fashion. We will bridge the history and cutting edge of technology surrounding fashion and consider its future together with the creations of Yoshikazu Yamagata of writtenafterwards.
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