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From Dogu, Haniwa, & Emaki to Hello Kitty: Exploring "Kawaii" Japan at the Tokyo National Museum

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The Hello Kitty Exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum is running until February 24th (Monday). The venue, celebrating half a century of the quintessential character synonymous with "cute," is filled with smiles from visitors of all ages. Many overseas visitors are also present, echoing the foreign usage of "kawaii."
What is the power behind "kawaii," one of our most familiar values? Why did it originate in Japan and spread across the world?
The final installment of our feature on "The Future of Kawaii" delves into the history and future of "kawaii" at Japan's oldest and largest museum, the Tokyo National Museum. We spoke with Masato Matsushima, the head of their cultural planning department, to explore the origins and future of "cute" from a historical perspective.
Click here for the previous article.
Masato Matsushima
Masato Matsushima

Head of the Planning Department and Public Relations Office at the Tokyo National Museum. Specializes in the history of Japanese painting. Major exhibition plans include "京都―洛中洛外図と障壁画の美" (2013), "生誕150年 黒田清輝-日本近代絵画の巨匠" (2016), "本阿弥光悦の大宇宙" (Tokyo National Museum, 2024), and "蔦屋重三郎 コンテンツビジネスの風雲児" (Tokyo National Museum, 2025).

Why the Museum is Focusing on "Hello Kitty"

"Hello Kitty Exhibition – As I change, so does she–" Tokyo National Museum Hyokeikan (2024.11.1–2025.2.24)
"Hello Kitty Exhibition – As I change, so does she–" Tokyo National Museum Hyokeikan (2024.11.1–2025.2.24)
Why was the "Hello Kitty Exhibition" planned at the Tokyo National Museum?
The inspiration came from the "Exhibition of National Treasures in 150 Years" that we organized in 2022. This exhibition, aligned with the 150th anniversary of the Tokyo National Museum (referred to hereafter as TNM), centered on Japanese pop culture and showcased "treasures" from everyday life as potential future national treasures.

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