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The first installment ("Reflecting Japanese Aesthetics: Exploring History & Culture") of this featurepresents a narrative tracing the history of Japanese hairstyles. The findings reveal that hairstyles are closely related to the era and culture. However, today is an age of diversity. People have begun to express their unique identities through various hairstyles and hair colors.
This raises a question: why do we dye our hair? What have we discovered through hair coloring? Like hairstyles, it seems that hair color also has a deep historical and cultural connection.
Thus, this time, we visited Hoyu Co., Ltd. and consulted with Hidekazu Kajiwara from the public relations department about the history and evolution of hair color in Japan.
According to Kajiwara, before written history in Japan, there are astonishing accounts of hair dyeing dating back to ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, where hair was dyed for purposes such as warding off evil or symbolizing power and knowledge. Additionally, to understand the history of dyeing in Japan, it is necessary to trace back to its relationship with ancient China.
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