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Hair Story: The Era Reflected in Hairstyles

Hair Story: The Era Reflected in Hairstyles

Hair serves as a mirror, reflecting our aesthetic values, cultural perspectives, and the times we live in. In this special feature from Fashion Tech News, we focus on hairstyles, which are said to influence around 80% of the impressions we form about people, and delve into their rich, intricate world. We will explore the evolution of hair from ancient civilizations to modern society, and the near future shaped by the latest technologies, examining it from multiple perspectives. In this feature, we will investigate the history of hair through four lenses: history, culture, science, and the future. We have conducted interviews with the Pola Cultural Research Institute, which has explored the history of hair over many years; Hoyu General Research Institute, known for its innovative product development; Milbon Central Research Institute, a leader in the hair care industry; and Perfect Company, which proposes next-generation hair care solutions. Join us as we uncover the story of how hair has evolved as a means of expressing beauty.

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