*The text-to-speech feature is generated by AI, so there may be errors in the reading.
Hairstyles account for approximately 80% of a person's facial impression. They are a crucial element that significantly influences our perceptions. So, how has this "hair" been treated throughout history, and what form will it take in the future? In this feature, we explore the story of hair, which has evolved as a means of expressing beauty from four perspectives: history, culture, science, and the future.
In the first installment of this special feature, we would like to reflect on the history of Japanese hairstyles. This is because we seem to have a shared image of hairstyles specific to that era.
For instance, think of the hairstyles of characters in period dramas or idol singers from the Showa era. Many people are likely to have similar impressions.
Thus, hairstyles appear to vividly reflect the characteristics of their times. To discuss this point, I spoke with Yoko Tomizawa from the POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture. There, I discovered a deeper history of hair than I had imagined.
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