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Body/Clothing & Functionality

Body/Clothing & Functionality

In this special feature on Fashion Tech News, we're exploring the relationship between body adornments and the body itself. Marshall McLuhan, famous for his media theory, viewed various items in our physical environment as tools for extending the body. Clothing, too, can be seen as an extension of the skin—a plug-in to enhance the skin's functionality. Furthermore, everything we wear isn't just about clothing; it all serves to help unlock our body's potential. In a world where advanced technology ties into smart textiles, prosthetic limbs, sportswear, and more, all of which are rapidly evolving, shouldn't this be another topic for us to consider through a fashion lens? In this feature, we will reflect on the roles of clothing among wearable objects, and their interaction with the body. We explore these topics in collaboration with Keen Endo from Xiborg Corporation, a researcher in the field of robotics and prosthetics.

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