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Viktoria Modesta "Technology Innovation & Identity: Exploring Fashion"

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In this special feature "Body/Clothing & Function," we bring you insights from researchers of robots and prosthetics, featuring Ken Endo from Xiborg Inc. This time, our guest is Viktoria Modesta, a pop star with a prosthetic leg who gained attention for her performance at the 2012 London Paralympics closing ceremony and continues to appear at events related to the Paralympics and technology.
We'll deliver the interview conducted by Endo himself, exploring the intersection of prosthetics and fashion, and the identity therein.
Viktoria Modesta
Viktoria Modesta

Born in Latvia in 1988 and raised in London, Viktoria Modesta is a pop star and creative director. She has held roles as a model and Director's Fellow at MIT Media Lab. Notable music works include "Only You" (2012), "Prototype" (2014), and "One With The Ray of Light" (2021).

As a "Bionic Artist"

Influences from Disney and Hollywood
ModestaI spent a lot of my childhood in hospitals, where I watched many Disney and Hollywood movies. These movies inspired me significantly, showing me that creativity could reimagine any situation or world. I loved the idea of building my own body, life, and surrounding world. The expression methods I encountered growing up felt immensely fulfilling. Intentional art and art activism are among the most powerful forces for cultural evolution, often impacting society more than politicians.

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