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Behind the Design of Hikaru Utada's LIVE Tour Costumes: “Unknown Threads” Created by Microorganisms [A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE × Spiber]

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The "HIKARU UTADA SCIENCE FICTION TOUR 2024" reached its finale on September 1st. Are you familiar with the beautiful LIVE tour costumes that appeared on stages across all performances, including Taipei and Hong Kong?
The dress, with countless curves intertwined in a gradient, seemed to wrap around the body as if embodying Hikaru Utada's rich vocals.
This costume was created through an exceptionally unique collaboration. The design is from "A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE." The fabric features the "Brewed Protein™ Fiber" developed by the biotechnology company Spiber, a sustainable material created through microbial fermentation technology.
This dress points towards the future of fashion. We spoke to Yoshiyuki Miyamae, leading a team at Issey Miyake's atelier, along with Akane Asai from Spiber, about the behind-the-scenes production.
(from left) A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE Design Engineers: Manabu Nakatani, Nanae Takahashi, Designer: Yoshiyuki Miyamae
(from left) A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE Design Engineers: Manabu Nakatani, Nanae Takahashi, Designer: Yoshiyuki Miyamae


Akane Asai
Akane Asai

Spiber Inc. Marketing & Communication Department Communication Section Manager 

The Vast Potential Nested in a “Single Piece of Fabric”

"This dress is based on the concept of being a single piece of fabric."
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