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A Razor-Shaped Beauty Device? ANFA's Challenge of Pioneering Men's Beauty with the Innovative "DISM"

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Is it a glowing razor? When many people see this device, they might think so. In fact, this product "DISM EMS EER MediSkincare Device" is a men's beauty device from the men's skincare brand "DISM" developed by ANGFA Co., Ltd. 
What kind of features and commitments are embedded in the beauty device developed by ANGFA, which has produced numerous aging care products based on preventive medicine? We interviewed the company, which is pioneering a new realm of men's beauty with innovative ideas. 
Hisashi Osanai
Hisashi Osanai

ANGFA Co., Ltd., Director & DISM Brand Manager 

After graduating from Waseda University Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, he joined a major cosmetics manufacturer and gained experience in the beauty field. In 2015, he joined ANGFA. Currently, he is engaged in solving male-specific skin concerns and health issues as the head of men's brands such as "DISM" and "HOMTECH." 

Men's Beauty Devices Are Still Scarce in Japan 

Interest in men's beauty is increasing, and in recent years, men's skincare and makeup products have been continuously introduced. However, in terms of "devices for the beauty field," particularly for the face, the current mainstream is shavers, and there are very few "beauty devices designed specifically for men." 
Introducing the newly conceptualized men's beauty device from ANGFA. "DISM EMS EER MediSkincare Device," 35,200 yen (tax included)
Introducing the newly conceptualized men's beauty device from ANGFA. "DISM EMS EER MediSkincare Device," 35,200 yen (tax included)
"Men are aware of beauty devices, and those with a high beauty consciousness are interested. However, the current perception is still that these devices are primarily for women. Until they actually pick one up themselves, there seem to be very few who view it as 'their problem.'
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