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Canon Marketing Japan's First Beauty Service "Personal Beauty Lesson Market" Draws Attention

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Canon Marketing Japan is a company that combines Canon products and IT solutions to address various social issues within Japan through its marketing activities.  
When people hear "Canon," they often think of products like cameras and printers. Although the company does not have a strong beauty image, it has been conducting a trial run of a makeup lesson matching service called Personal Beauty Lesson Market since 2022. This service is a platform specifically designed for connecting makeup instructors with customers who want to learn makeup.
This time, we had a conversation with representatives about why the company started offering services in the beauty field and details about the service.
From left, Mizuho Yasuda, Kanako Takaura, Mariko Ono
From left, Mizuho Yasuda, Kanako Takaura, Mariko Ono

Canon Marketing Japan Inc.

Consumer New Business Planning Department, Digital Innovation Promotion Section

New Challenges in Uncharted Fields

"Personal Beauty Lesson Market" is a surprising service considering Canon's usual offerings. Can you tell us how it was launched?
In recent years, innovation has been crucial for companies, and our company is no exception. At the beginning of this year, a specialized organization was established to create new businesses aimed at solving social issues with a future-oriented approach.
Our department operates slightly differently from that organization. Our mission is to plan, develop, and manage new service-oriented businesses in the BtoC field. We focused on the beauty sector because of the depth of customer needs and issues in this field and its compatibility with Canon's strength in imaging. To solve the unique issues of each customer and realize their desires, we launched the makeup lesson matching service "Personal Beauty Lesson Market" utilizing Canon's imaging technology.
Was this the first time you ventured into the beauty field?
Yes, it was our first time. Previously, we had no contact with customers in the beauty field, so we started by listening to their stories.
We interviewed more than 100 people, including manufacturers and makeup artists active in the beauty sector, beauticians working for cosmetic companies, individuals involved in beauty-related jobs, and women in their 20s to 50s.
What kind of feedback did you receive during the interviews?
As we conducted more interviews, we found that makeup-related topics frequently came up within the beauty field.
Furthermore, since we began considering this in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, some advisors working in the cosmetics industry expressed their concerns about their future work.
Makeup can significantly change a person's mood and empower individuals from all generations. Although each customer's desires are different, we wanted to help realize those desires and support new ways of working for advisors online, leading to the launch of this service.

Diverse Lessons Leveraging Instructor Strengths

Who are the instructors on the "Personal Beauty Lesson Market"?
We have makeup artists, hairstylists, individuals with experience in selling cosmetics at counters, beauty experts, and others from various backgrounds registered. Currently, there are about 30 instructors registered.
When registering instructors, our office staff conducts an online interview to ensure they share the service's founding philosophy and are willing to align with our mission.
Since this service launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, we initially focused on offering online lessons. However, with society reopening, we are now also providing in-person lessons.
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