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John Masters Organics' "C&G Shampoo" that Overturned the Conventional Wisdom of Organic Shampoo: Why It's Considered the Brand's Flagship

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While organic shampoos are gentle on hair and scalp, they often lack adequate cleansing power and finish...... John Masters Organics's "C&G Shampoo" is one of those shampoos that has overturned this conventional thinking in the beauty industry.
Despite being based on amino acid cleansing ingredients that are gentle on hair, it thoroughly cleanses hair and scalp with fine, rich lather. Furthermore, it leads to airy hair that is smooth to the touch through the use of plant oils and fruit extracts.
To understand the effectiveness of the now flagship product C&G Shampoo, we spoke with Sayaka Mochimaru, who handles PR for John Masters Organics.
Sayaka Mochimaru
Sayaka Mochimaru

John Masters Organics Group, Inc.
"john masters organics" PR

A Lifestyle Cosmetics Brand from New York Focused on Organic Ingredients

What kind of brand is John Masters Organics?
It is a brand established by New York hairstylist John Masters.
While working for many years in hair salons, he started to question the damage caused by chemicals to hair and skin, as well as the burden placed on the environment in the pursuit of beauty.
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