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Copernica – AEON Retail's Original Cosmetics Brand – Attributes Its Success to "Capitalizing on the Strength of Retail"

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In 2022, AEON Retail launched its first original cosmetics brand, "Copernica." Including skincare and base make-up, nine items were released and are available at AEON, AEON Style, and AEON Net Super. As of this July, "Copernica Stratum Corneum Barrier Serum Primer" was released, bringing the total number of items to 26.
This time, we interviewed AEON Retail Co., Ltd. about Copernica, which has been growing steadily as a brand. We delved into the significance of developing an original brand of cosmetics at AEON, which carries a wide variety of products, including cosmetics, and the secrets to Copernica's growth.
Chiaki Yamada
Chiaki Yamada

AEON Retail Co., Ltd. H&BC Headquarters Beauty Product Department
Merchandise Development Group Merchandise Development Leader

Achievable Only through Retail! Aiming to Create a Brand that Responds to Latent Needs

Could you tell us about the launch of Copernica?
The development of Copernica started with the aim of creating a brand that is honest and earnest, responding to latent needs that can only be achieved by retail. It's a unique brand that isn't available from national brands. Our young employees have been appointed as "Copernica Ambassadors," and they are involved in product development.
What does a Copernica Ambassador do?
In product development, they understand the brand concept, participate in the trial of the product under development, and suggest improvements. Annual promotion plans and in-store original brand promotions are created incorporating the Ambassadors' opinions.
Based on the ambassadors' experiences of using the products, they come up with sales copies that resonate with the product, comments for the in-store videos and the brand website, and also appear in the "Ambassador POP" showcase.
The Copernica Ambassadors are a group of cosmetics enthusiasts, and as they are both users and sales staff, their opinions from both perspectives allow us to offer products that are closer to the target customers.
What is the significance of developing an original brand in your company that handles many products including cosmetics?
As a retailer, we can leverage customer needs into our products. These products create differentiation from our competitors, and by increasing the frequency of visits to our stores, we can drive traffic to the company as a whole.
What were some latent needs you identified during development?
While there are many products on the market that emphasize ingredients, we listened to the voices of customers and Copernica Ambassadors, and noticed Generation Z's need to "use what suits them."
Our brand message is "We want you to meet a slightly different version of yourself, and find a beauty and comfort that is uniquely you." As such, we aim to be a brand that you can trust and choose, that will face the changing skin due to seasons, physical condition, and psychological stress.

Developing Uniquely Designed Cosmetics, Unrestricted by Existing Concepts

Copernica focuses on common skin concerns among Generation Z such as blackheads, dryness, and acne, while proposing a simple skincare routine that is not confined by age or gender, correct?
While our core target is those in their late twenties to thirties, as a brand, we design our products keeping in mind a texture and design that can be used regardless of age or gender. As a result, even customers in their 40s and 50s who prefer a lighter texture are purchasing our products.
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