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Custom-Scented Like Haute Couture: Unique Fragrance Design Techniques by Gotas

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The fragrance that wafts through a space subtly accompanies the memories of those who visit. Much like a luxury perfume, space fragrance possesses the power to instantly shape one's impression of a place. Based in Okinawa, "Gotas" continues to create new value by expressing spatial design through scent.
Its uniqueness lies in its bespoke scent creation using natural fragrances. By transforming the texture and colors of interiors into scents, Gotas achieves a delicate representation that blends seamlessly into the space. This scent, while never overpowering, exudes a distinct presence that has garnered support from many luxury hotels.
Designing scents in accordance with the space. Hidden within this seemingly simple act is a genuine value that gleams in the digital age, akin to haute couture.
This time, I spoke with Yui Tomita, the founder of Gotas, about her thoughts on scent creation and the potential of analog sensations.
Yui Tomita
Yui Tomita

Representative Director of Gotas
Born in 1982, from Okinawa Prefecture

Gotas's Perfume Techniques

It was through parenting that Tomita began studying fragrances. She herself did not expect that this would develop into a business providing scents to over 250 establishments. As she explored the possibilities of scent across various industries, she ultimately arrived at the hotel sector.
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