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Is Too Much "Toner" a No-Go? The Correct Moisturizing Method Proposed by the Skin Care Brand Hautschild Developed by German Dermatologists

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"Moisten your skin adequately with toner and seal it with cream"
This phrase is often heard in the packaging and media of skincare products. However, the skincare brand Hautschild, developed by German dermatologists, questions this common skincare wisdom that has become prevalent in Japan.
This time, I interviewed Martin Albrecht, the developer and dermatologist at Hautschild, and the brand representative Sayaka Jahnke. They elaborated on the correct concept of moisturizing and the patented cream formulation that mimics the skin's lamellar structure.

Do They Not Use Toner in Germany? A Wake-Up Call on Japan's Toner Myth

Hautschild does not include toner and advocates applying moisturizing cream directly on freshly cleansed skin. Could you explain why you do not recommend toner?
JahnkeIn Japan, the idea that skin is hydrated with toner and then sealed with cream has become ingrained, right?
But think about it. If that were true, after taking a bath, your entire body should be filled with moisture.
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