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The Latest Developments in “Scent Research” Promoted by THREE: Exploring the Effects of Olfaction on the Body & Mind

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Scent can uplift your mood or ease fatigue... Many have probably felt the benefits of scent in fleeting moments.
To delve deeper into this, the THREE HOLISTIC RESEARCH CENTER was established in 2022.
I spoke with Kentaro Sai, the director, about the establishment's background and the latest scent developments.
Kentaro Sai
Kentaro Sai


Establishing Uniqueness Through Commitment to Authentic Craftsmanship

With a focus on essential oils and domestic ingredients, THREE launched in 2009 with a dedication to Japan-aware craftsmanship, quickly becoming a popular brand. Support for essential oil scents has been high since the brand's inception.
“At the time, there were few similar brands, allowing us to provide high-value freshness, but as the years passed, brands with similar designs and concepts emerged, diluting that freshness.
"To be honest, we were also discussing 'What is unique to our brand?' At that time, a board member stated, 'We are engaged in authentic craftsmanship, and authenticity is THREE, isn't it?'
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