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High-Quality Leather Shoes with Unmatched Cost Performance! What Kind of Brand Is "Jalan Sriwijaya"?

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The leather shoe brand "Jalan Sriwijaya" boasts high popularity due to its British-quality combined with remarkably low pricing. What is the history of this brand, and what kind of production background does it have? Why is it able to achieve such pricing? I spoke with Yuki Miura from GMT inc., which handles this brand.

High Technical Skills & Commitment to Leather Materials

Recently, more people are incorporating leather shoes into their wardrobe, moving away from a sneaker-only approach. However, while it may be reasonable for business use, it can be quite a hurdle to introduce high-end British or American-made leather shoes into casual wear.
This is where "Jalan Sriwijaya" stands out, a brand that manufactures and imports leather shoes from Indonesia. Miura details the history of "Jalan Sriwijaya."
The history of the brand may seem short, but the factory itself has over 100 years of history
The history of the brand may seem short, but the factory itself has over 100 years of history
"While 'Jalan Sriwijaya' started selling in the Japanese market in 2003, the roots of the factory behind the brand trace back to 1919. The Indonesian 'Fortuna Shoes,' which is the factory for 'Jalan Sriwijaya,' produced military boots for foreign soldiers when the country was under Dutch rule.
"After enduring World War II and the independence war, the Republic of Indonesia was born in 1950, and by the 1970s, the factory resumed operations under 'Fortuna Shoes' and began producing various kinds of shoes."
During this time, the factory president, Tede Chandra, and production manager, Rudy Suparman, studied in the UK, training in the heart of shoemaking, Northampton. Miura continues.
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