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A Pair of Shoes Representing Mizuno's Tradition & Innovation: Exploring the Details & Charms of "WAVE PROPHECY MOC"

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The "Mizuno" "WAVE PROPHECY MOC" was released in 2023 and sold out immediately. This leather shoe, featuring the latest sole from Mizuno's flagship model "WAVE PROPHECY," is not merely a revival of archived products, but rather a representation of Mizuno's tradition and innovation.
This time, I interviewed Shigeyuki Kunii, the creative director at "mita sneakers," about the unique features and appeal of the "WAVE PROPHECY MOC," which comes in new colors and materials.

Evolving Instead of Simply Reproducing an Innovative Archive Model

The "WAVE PROPHECY MOC," released in the fall and winter of 2023, quickly became a hot topic not only among sneaker enthusiasts but also in the fashion industry. The second version has been released, and regarding how this model came about, Kunii shared the following.
The first version of "WAVE PROPHECY MOC" was released in the fall and winter of 2023 and sold out in an instant. The restocked inventory also sold out quickly (Kunii's personal item)
The first version of "WAVE PROPHECY MOC" was released in the fall and winter of 2023 and sold out in an instant. The restocked inventory also sold out quickly (Kunii's personal item)
"Mizuno began its innovative endeavors around 2005 with the release of the signature skate shoes 'Three Feet High' by Yoshifumi Egawa, known as 'YOPPI.' Subsequently, in collaboration with 'Mountain Research,' they launched 'Infinity Moc,' which combined a dress shoe upper with a high-tech sole for touring.
"While hybrid designs like this are common now, it was quite revolutionary at the time and received a lot of attention. Hence, many people are emotionally attached to that model. However, the current 'WAVE PROPHECY MOC' is not a mere reproduction of the past model. It aims to utilize the touring technology from Mizuno's latest model, the 'WAVE PROPHECY' series, extending the inline development from that point."
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