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As the New Balance "1500" Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary, Why Does It Continue to Be Loved?

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Debuting in 1989, the "1500" became a hot topic with its never-before-seen integrated sole, positioning itself as a flagship model in the 1000 series. This year marks the 35th anniversary since its release, and a commemorative model has been launched.
We spoke with Shigeyuki Kunii, the creative director of "mita sneakers" and a key figure in the sneaker scene, about how the "1500" came to be and its placement within New Balance.

The "1500" Was Developed Concurrently with the "1400"

The "1500," boasting strong popularity within the 1000 series, was recalled by Kunii in this way.
"Within New Balance, the 1000 series is a prestige model that began with the '1300.' Normally, the numbers increase in the order of release: '1300,' '1400,' and then '1500.' But the '1500' was actually released before the '1400' in 1989.
"The reason the '1400' release was delayed is said to be because they wanted to perfect New Balance's unique midsole structure 'ENCAP,' which balances shock absorption and stability, to a satisfactory level."
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