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The Original Model Makes a Strong Comeback! Why New Balance's "Minimus MT10" Boasts Enduring Popularity

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By stripping down the shoe to its essential functions and achieving a barefoot-like experience, the revolutionary shoe "New Balance Minimus MT10" aims to maximize the natural abilities of the human foot, making a comeback as a lifestyle model.
The one-tone finish, which is conscious of the low-profile sneaker trend, has garnered a loyal fan base. This time, we spoke with Shigeyuki Kunii, the creative director of mita sneakers, about the reasons for the popularity of this model.

Design that Evokes the Trend of "Low-profile"

A barefoot running boom emerged around 2010. This training method focuses on running in a near-barefoot state to strengthen the ankles and foot muscles while improving basic leg strength. Amid this trend, New Balance introduced the "Minimus" in 2012. When we asked Kunii about its features, he responded:
"This 'Minimus' was conceived with the concept of maximizing the original functions of the foot by wearing shoes that replicate a near-barefoot state within the category of barefoot running.
"The model name takes inspiration from the phrase 'Less is More,' proposed by German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
"Recently, shoes with a flat-soled court-like silhouette have been emerging in the 'low-profile' category, prompting this revival to adapt to current trends.
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