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The Journey of Q-pot: A 23-year Story Drawn by the Pioneer of Sweets Accessories

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The accessories of "Q-pot" are filled with our favorite things like chocolate and sweets. While sweet-motif accessories are now commonplace, it was Q-pot that led the sweets accessory boom in the Heisei era, becoming a pioneer in this field.
Starting in 2002, Q-pot has brought us joy in various forms, not just through accessories but also via collaborations with Q-pot CAFE.
As Q-pot celebrates its 23rd anniversary this year, what kind of journey has it undertaken? This time, we talked to Q-pot designer Tadaaki Wakamatsu.
Tadaaki Wakamatsu

Q-pot Designer

The Origins of Sweets Accessories in the World

Many people must have felt their hearts flutter when they first saw Q-pot accessories. The accessories featuring realistic sweets like macarons and chocolates offered a freshness that had never been seen before.
I was also captivated by their cute looks when I first saw them, but what was the story behind the start of Q-pot?
"I loved crafting and drawing since I was a child, and at first, I considered going to art school. However, after passing a model audition for Men's Non-no, I began to develop a close relationship with the fashion industry.
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