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The History of "Russell Athletic," the First to Make Sweatshirts in the World, Alongside Major American Sports

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You may have seen T-shirts or sweatshirts featuring the R mark with an eagle motif, called "Eagle R." Considered one of America's iconic brands, RUSSELL ATHLETIC.
Let's hear from Yoshinori Ito, Senior Brand Manager of FTL Japan K.K., about the long history of the brand, which began with school sportswear and then leaped forward to become a major supplier for American professional sports.

Called the "Inventors of the Sweat Shirts"

"RUSSELL ATHLETIC was founded in 1902 in Alexander City, Alabama, USA. The founder was Benjamin Russell, and initially, the company focused on making women's undergarments that were connected in one piece.
"In the 1920s, the company began producing various athletic wear, including gym clothes, and this is when RUSSELL ATHLETIC made the first sweatshirt in the world.
"As the story goes, the son of Russell, who played American football, found wool training clothes uncomfortable and asked his father to make them from cotton.
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