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Introducing New Features (Full-Text Search, Popular Article Rankings, Personalization)

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We are excited to announce the addition of new features to Fashion Tech News: "Full-Text Search," "Popular Article Rankings," and "Personalization." These features are designed to improve your browsing experience, so make sure to check them out. Below, we will explain each feature in detail.

"Full Text Search" Feature

We have launched the "Full-Text Search" feature as a new addition to Fashion Tech News.
Try entering a keyword you are interested in into the "Search box" displayed on our site. A list of articles containing that keyword will appear.
(Left) Search box on the left side of the site for PCs. (Right) For mobile devices, the search box is at the top of the site.
(Left) Search box on the left side of the site for PCs. (Right) For mobile devices, the search box is at the top of the site.
All articles published on Fashion Tech News are included in the search, so make sure to utilize the full-text search feature. We hope it will help you discover new articles.

"Popular Article Ranking" Feature

Until now, our homepage carousel featured articles recommended by the editorial team of Fashion Tech News. However, we have upgraded it to display a ranking of popular articles. Now, you can easily see the most read content by viewing the top five most popular recent articles.
Our lineup is buzzing with hot topics, so be sure to check them out.

"Personalization" Feature

We have updated the algorithm for our "related articles," which are displayed at the end of each article. Now, it is easier than ever for each user to see content tailored to their individual tastes.
By recommending articles from the latest news to past content, we can cater to your interests more effectively.
After finishing one article, make sure to check out the related ones.
We hope you continue to enjoy Fashion Tech News with these new features added. Thank you for your continued support.
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