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Restyled Logo for "fashion tech news" & New Concept Video Released

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Fashion Tech News was born in 2018 as ZOZO NEXT's owned media platform, continuing to challenge the fashion tech realm. Since its launch, it has consistently provided a wide range of news on the latest fashion technologies, brand histories, and the impact of fashion on culture, with approximately 1,700 articles published to date. Additionally, we have been continuously adding and improving features to ensure that our readers can comfortably enjoy our articles.
As part of these efforts, we have decided to change the stylization of "Fashion Tech News" to "fashion tech news" to further redefine our philosophy and purpose for future growth. This renewal of our logo symbolizes a challenge to reach a new stage.

The 3 Pieces of DNA in "Find The New."

The new logo is designed with the theme of "Find The New." This triangle, composed of three straight lines, incorporates the meanings of "INNOVATIVE," "PROFESSIONAL," and "FELLOW," which make up the DNA of "Find The New."
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