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Sustainable Bag Brand "AIRPAQ": New Value Created from Car Waste

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Our EARTH Project, a project for the Earth and future generations, introduces sustainable and ethical brands and products from around the world. It also provides environmentally friendly materials and plans and commercializes products utilizing these materials.
Among the various brands and products handled, this time we'd like to feature "AIRPAQ."
AIRPAQ is a German upcycling bag brand that manufactures bags by reusing discarded car airbags, seat belts, and belt buckles. We spoke with Nobuhiro Takazaki of Sanyei Corporation, who is handling the project, about the charm and sustainable initiatives of this brand.
Nobuhiro Takazaki

Sanyei Corporation
Our EARTH Project

From Car Parts to Bags

Through researching sustainable brands handled by "Our EARTH Project," we encountered AIRPAQ.
At that time, AIRPAQ was still a fledgling brand that had just started with crowdfunding. Even though it was brand new, the first time we saw AIRPAQ's iconic roll-top backpack, we were so impressed by its design that we wanted to try it ourselves.
Additionally, learning about AIRPAQ's environmental efforts, philosophy, and the characteristics of the upcycled materials, we decided to introduce it in Japan and started the initiative.
Tell us more about AIRPAQ. Why did you focus on car waste materials?
The brand founder got the idea to develop products using car waste materials during a university class visit to a car scrapyard, while majoring in "Strategic Entrepreneurial Spirit" for a master's degree. It all started with seeing an airbag that pops out from the steering wheel.
Airbags are made from very high-quality materials as they are car safety components. The founder was inspired to create backpacks from this material after feeling it for the first time.
As safety components, airbags use extremely durable and high-strength materials, making them ideal for backpack production. By reusing these materials, they successfully developed sturdy and long-lasting backpacks.
Can you explain the process from collecting waste materials to product commercialization?
The production starts with sourcing materials. Seat belts and airbags are obtained from partner factories in Romania, while buckles are sourced from a cooperative scrapyard in the suburbs of Cologne, Germany. The partner factories collect seat belts and airbags that were deemed "defective" and were to be discarded before being installed in cars. Car safety components have extremely stringent quality standards, resulting in more defective items than you might imagine. AIRPAQ reuses these materials, which would otherwise have been thrown away.
Next, the sourced airbags are cleaned and dyed. This process makes the fabric softer and gives it a unique texture.
Then, the amount of fabric needed for one product is measured, and parts are cut from the measured fabric. Since the original airbag material varies in shape, parts are cut from various materials. As a result, each AIRPAQ product has a unique appearance, making it a one-of-a-kind item.
Each part is sewn and assembled with a sewing machine. Finally, various discarded car parts, such as seat belts and buckles, are combined to complete the upcycled bag.
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