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Thicker Sole, Enhanced Cushioning & Responsiveness! How Has ASICS "MAGIC SPEED 4" Evolved?

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ASICS has introduced "MAGIC SPEED," which carries over the functionality and design of the "METASPEED" series while appearing as a more accessible thick-soled carbon shoe for a wider range of runners. It enjoys great popularity among those trying carbon-plated shoes for the first time and runners aiming to set personal bests in races.
The latest release in the series, "MAGIC SPEED4," features a thicker sole than its predecessor, enhancing cushioning. Additionally, it is equipped with lightweight, high-rebound material, FF TURBO in the forefoot area. This evolution is aimed at maximizing the responsiveness during push-off. Just what kind of shoe has it transformed into?

Heel Thickness at 43.5mm—A Dramatic Improvement in Cushioning

"MAGIC SPEED is targeted primarily at runners using carbon-plated shoes for the first time and those looking to achieve personal records in races. For this level of runner, they may be running a full marathon for 3 or 4 hours continuously.
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