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The Power of Magnetism Expands Blood Vessels!? What Makes Colantotte's Magnet-using Recovery Wear Effective

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As a home-use permanent magnet magnetic therapy device, medical devices certified by a third-party certification body designated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare claim to improve blood circulation in the wearing area and relieve stiffness. What is the mechanism by which magnetism improves blood circulation? What effects does recovery wear utilizing magnets have?
First, let’s confirm what stiffness is. When poor posture persists for long periods, such as extended desk work or smartphone use, muscles become tense, compressing blood vessels and worsening blood flow. As a result, waste products accumulate and stimulate the muscles, leading to further tension and stiffness, which transitions into stiffness.
To improve stiffness, it is necessary to expand blood vessels to promote blood flow, flush out waste products, and smoothly deliver nutrients and oxygen to each cell. Magnetism is believed to have a vasodilatory effect, helping to alleviate stiffness.

Magnetic Wear with Alternating N & S Poles Supporting Comfortable Sleep

The brand developing magnetic recovery wear is Colantotte, widely known for its magnetic necklaces. Colatotte RESNO, which specializes in items for sleep, such as magnetic recovery wear and magnetic pillows.
Colantotte's products adopt an alternating N (North) and S (South) pole arrangement that effectively delivers magnetic force across a wide area.
“At Colantotte, we utilize the alternating N and S pole arrangement to maximize the power of magnets. With a same polarity arrangement, the magnetic forces repel each other, limiting their effectiveness. The alternating N and S pole arrangement draws the magnetic forces together, allowing for a broader impact, achieving effects across surfaces rather than merely points,” says Rieko Nakajima from Colantotte's Marketing Department.
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