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Korean Brand "TAW&TOE" Recovery Sandals Get Attention! The Commitment to the Popular "Flip Flop Zerovity"

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The Korean recovery sandal brand "TAW&TOE" has been creating a buzz. Their product "Flip Flop Zerovity" is gaining popularity, especially among the younger generation, due to its cute, rounded form and light comfort.
The development power of midsole materials that the brand has cultivated over many years is said to be behind the creation of this popular product.
This time, we interviewed a brand representative about the background of recovery sandal development and the commitment to "Flip Flop Zerovity" at "TAW&TOE."

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Can you tell us about the background behind the launch of the recovery sandal brand "TAW&TOE"?
"TAW&TOE"'s technological foundation stems from the new materials developed by Songshin New Material and Comtec Chemical, which have developed and supplied new midsole materials for global sports brands for 37 years.
During that time, while developing various materials, many excellent materials unfortunately did not make it to product stage due to high costs.
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