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Reasons Top Athletes Support Under Armour's Recovery Wear

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In recent years, recovery wear has surged in popularity due to heightened awareness of sleep and rest.
Under Armour answered the enthusiastic calls from top athletes and resumed the sales of Recovery Wear in 2024 after it was discontinued in 2020.
Why do athletes who pay attention to their physical conditioning support Under Armour? I spoke with Ryoji Ogane of DOME Corporation.
Ryoji Ogane
Ryoji Ogane

DOME Corporation
Merchandising Division Head of Team

Recovery Wear Developed with NFL's Top Athletes

Under Armour's Recovery Wear was developed in response to top NFL players.
"One of the contracted athletes at Under Armour had a strong focus on sleep; he paid attention not only to sleep duration and bedding but also the temperature while sleeping. This led to the decision to develop functional sleepwear for performance enhancement."
However, in 2018, the U.S. headquarters decided to cease production of Recovery Wear, which also led to its discontinuation in Japan in 2020. Despite this, requests for its revival flooded in from not only contracted athletes but also those who were not under contract.
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