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Pursuing Everyday Beauty with "and us": 3COINS Offers a New Beauty Lifestyle

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3COINS's original beauty line "and us" is gaining popularity. The brand was created with the desire for everyone to feel freer in experimenting with new makeup and to find more joy in their daily lives. "and us" is a beauty brand designed to help enjoy daily life lightly and is available nationwide from 3COINS.
We spoke with Naoko Inui, who is in charge of product planning for 3COINS at PAL Co., Ltd., about the charm of this brand, which has a wide range of skincare, cosmetics, and beauty appliances at affordable prices.
Naomi Inui

PAL Co., Ltd.
3COINS / Product Planning

Products That Feel Like Part of Your Daily Life

Tell us about the concept of "and us," which states that "everyone should feel freer to try new makeup and find more joy in their daily lives."
We believe that beauty items can uplift your mood, satisfy your heart, and easily add more joy to your daily life.
As a beauty brand from 3COINS, which is not a specialized cosmetics shop, we aim to provide items that naturally fit into our customers' lives at an affordable price, with the hope of adding a little more joy to their daily lives.
Most items are priced between 300 and 500 yen. Could you explain the rationale behind this pricing?
We set low price ranges so that people would feel more comfortable trying trendy items they are curious about. We often hear customers say, "I bought it as a trial when purchasing an item I was interested in for the first time."
Whether a beauty item suits you or not is a major point, but you often won't know until you try it. By setting easy-to-afford prices, we ensure that our products can be easily selected as a trial.
How do you achieve these low prices?
We manage to keep prices low without compromising on the ingredients or quality by cutting costs on things like containers and packaging, which often account for a large portion of the cost of beauty items, and by not using advertisements. We also implement cost-saving measures in areas like transportation.

A Wide Range of Products

Can you introduce the product lineup?
Our current main lineup includes makeup items, nail items, cosmetic tools, care items like sheet masks, storage items such as pouches, and beauty appliances.
Among these, the "Stick Nail Gel" series in the nail category is particularly popular with our customers.
You mentioned that your skincare line is committed to being made in Japan.
Since our skincare items are designed to be absorbed by the skin and used continuously, we ensure Japanese quality for safe and reliable use.
This line features items recognized as quasi-drugs, which have acknowledged effects and efficacy. The current lineup includes products with ingredients that have been proven to improve wrinkles, and continued use ensures that customers can genuinely feel the effects.
We have also set prices to be more accessible than other quasi-drug skincare products on the market.
Why do you emphasize "simple and basic" in your cosmetics line?
Since these items are used daily, we want them to be long-lasting without becoming tiresome. We also aim for a design that blends seamlessly into daily life and is easy to integrate.
We carefully select ingredients and textures that are easy for everyone to use.
We focus on developing products with good pigmentation and pleasant textures that incorporate current trends while still being easy to use for mature women.
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