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Incorporating 21 Types of Beauty Ingredients! The Power of the "ELIXER The Serum®" Developed Over more than 10 Years by ELIXIR Utilizing Accelerated Essence Technology

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"ELIXIR" is a skincare brand focused on aging. Since its launch in 1983, it has continually focused on collagen science.
Around 2020, the business strategy shifted from comprehensive marketing to a more targeted approach, evolving its technology alongside. In particular, the beauty serum "ELIXER The Serum" (hereafter, The Serum) generated significant buzz, with over 190,000 pre-orders and cumulative shipments exceeding 520,000 units within 10 days of its release[1].
What kind of technology has been employed in The Serum that has attracted such attention? We spoke with Makoto Hayashi and Sara Tojima from Shiseido Japan, who are responsible for ELIXIR's marketing, about the background of The Serum's creation and the technologies incorporated.
Makoto Hayashi
Makoto Hayashi

Responsible for ELIXIR marketing in Shiseido Japan's Aging Care Marketing Department.
After joining Shiseido as a new graduate, she had stints in marketing for makeup brands and has been responsible for ELIXIR marketing since 2023.

Sara Tojima
Sara Tojima

Responsible for ELIXIR marketing in Shiseido Japan's Aging Care Marketing Department.
After joining Shiseido as a new graduate, she has been responsible for ELIXIR marketing since 2023.

Utilizing Unique High-performance Ingredient "Coaximide" & 21 Other Types of Beauty Ingredients

"The Serum" is also known as "倍速美容液®[2]" (literally, Accelerated Beauty Serum) for a reason: it employs ELIXIR's unique ingredient release technology, "倍速エッセンステクノロジー[3]" (Accelerated Essence Technology).
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