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Adult Acne-Focused Mineral Cosmetics Brand "ETVOS" Searches for a "Way to Approach Sensitive Skin"

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ETVOS was established as a result of the founder's struggle with severe adult acne and atopic dermatitis, offering skincare and makeup products that can be comfortably used even on sensitive skin. Despite being targeted at sensitive skin, the product lineup combines functionality and appeal as cosmetics, gaining support from a wide range of customers.
This time, we spoke with PR members Yumi Eriyama and Akihiro Minami from ETVOS about their uncompromising product development based on dermatology, which has remained unchanged since their founding, and the secret to their success in expanding their business internationally.

The Skin Concerns of the Founder as the Origin of the Brand

ETVOS was born in 2007, stemming from representative Hifumi Ogawa's skin issues.
EriyamaYes. In the past, the representative, Ogawa, struggled with severe adult acne. Since he also had atopic dermatitis and sensitive skin, he found it hard to locate suitable cosmetics. While experimenting, even making cosmetics by hand, Ogawa started an acne information website as a personal memo when he was in his 20s.
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